Grassroots Coach's Course
Grassroots Coach’s Course
The US Virgin Islands Soccer Association (USVISA) is excited to announce the new coaching education pathway which is designed to support coaches at all levels of the game. As part of the implementation of the new pathway, the coaching education department will host a Grassroots Coach’s Course throughout the territory during September 20-22, 2022.
These Grassroots coaching courses are the first, in a series of courses that initiate the implementation of the new U.S. Virgin Islands Soccer Coaching Education Pathway.
Grassroots Coaching Courses
As part of our new coaching education pathway, the U.S. Virgin Island Coaching Education Department will be delivering the following Level 1 Grassroots Coaching Course. These courses are designed to support Grassroots coaches in creating fun, engaging, and developmentally appropriate training sessions.
Course Date Course Level Time Location
Sept. 20 Level 1 5:30pm-7:30pm STX - Bethlehem Soccer Complex
Sept. 21 Level 1 (All-Female) 5:30pm-7:30pm STX - Bethlehem Soccer Complex
Sep. 22 Level 1 5:30pm-7:30pm St Thomas (TBD)
Course Registration:
Please register for the course at - Course Registration Link
More Course Information:
For more information on USVI Soccer Association programs, please feel free to contact the USVI Soccer Association office at (340)-719-9707 or email us at usvisoccer@gmail.com. Follow us on Facebook at: USVI Soccer Association