Terms of Reference Type of Consultancy: Organizations Consultancy Title: Vehicle Fleet Tender Period of Consultancy: 1 Month
Location: St. Croix US Virgin Islands
1. Background The USVI Soccer Federation (USVISF) commenced operations in August 2023. It is affiliated to the Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA), the Confederation of North, Central and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF), and the Caribbean Football Union (CFU). This tender is issued by the USVI Soccer Federation for the procurement of 5 vehicles to support our operations and enhance our transportation capabilities. USVISF is a non-profit aim to promote the efficient management, administration and development of football while at the same time promoting a dynamic and relevant football culture, in which football as a national sport provided for education, social, physical and total development among youth and adult footballers and various stakeholders. Currently, our fleet consists of 4 vehicles, which have been in service for over 7 years. These vehicles are becoming increasingly unreliable and expensive to maintain, affecting our operational efficiency. The acquisition of new vehicles is essential to ensure timely and reliable transportation for our staff, players and stakeholders.
2. Scope of work The USVI Soccer Federation is seeking to purchase: - 2 minivans, 7-9 passenger - - - - 1 work truck 1 Passenger Bus, 25-35 People 2 Drive mower 1 utility vehicle Vehicles should come with the minimum warranty service. The new vehicles are expected to reduce operational costs, improve reliability and efficiency, and provide better service to our clients and stakeholders. In line with our commitment to sustainability, we require vehicles that meet Euro 6 emission standards and are fuel-efficient.
The tender process will follow the schedule below:
• Issuance of tender: September 16, 2024
• Submission deadline: October 7, 2024
• Evaluation period: October 10-25, 2024
• Final decision: October 31, 2024
• Delivery of vehicles: January 2025
3. Qualifications
a) Must be a diverse team through a registered business or cooperation with experience of over 5 years in supplying vehicle fleet
b) Must be able to handle all shipping logistics (if applicable).
c) A detailed breakdown of the vehicle’s cost, including purchase price, maintenance, operating costs, and any potential discounts.
d) Availability of a comprehensive warranty and responsive after-sales support.
4. Deliverables
St. Croix
Vehicle Type
Mini Van Brand New automatic, 7-9 passengers
Work Truck Brand New automatic, 4 doors, 5- or 6 feet bed, Towing and Hauling Features, Diesel, AWD
Passenger Van Brand New 25-26 Passenger Van, luggage/cargo storage
Utility Vehicle Brand New 4 passenger, cargo bed (if applicable)
Drive Mower Brand New Kubuto commercial grade, Z700 Series
St. Thomas
Vehicle Type
Mini Van Brand New automatic, 7-9 passengers
Drive Mower Brand New Kubuto commercial grade, Z700 Series
5. Evaluation (Scoring) Criteria The proposals received will be evaluated using the criteria below.
1. Qualifications and Experience of the team that will be evaluated by the USVISF Score 50
2. Proven ability to supply vehicle fleet (evidence of past services in related field and list of current clients). 30
3. Price Score 20
Total Score 100
6. Instructions to Interested Service Providers There is no restriction to the number of services you can provide to the USVISF as per the TOR. Any Vehicle Company can respond to this TOR with a proposal to provide all vehicles or single vehicles. The USVISF only request is to submit your proposal and price estimates for each vehicle separately and with consideration of Section 5 (Evaluation Criteria). The USVISF is not obligated to select one service provider for all services and will be selecting service providers based on the Evaluation Criteria in Section 5 above.
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